Our most successful projects

Complete replacement of control systems of Bedele Brewery, Heineken in Ethiopia
The new control system, built on the Braumat process control system from Siemens, now controls the entire beer production process from malt intake through the brewhouse, wort cooling, fermentation, and filtration to bottling. The control system of the entire brewery was replaced with a downtime of less than one week.

Delivery of CIP station BlueClean for brewery Měšťanský Havlíčkův Brod a.s.
ProjectSoft HK a.s. has delivered a new, redesigned CIP station from the BlueClean series to Havlíčkův Brod brewery. The new units are completely in a skid design, which significantly reduces the time required for production break and installation, at the same time, thanks to the new, more flexible software, they reduce the time required for commissioning, and provide a complete reporting system of Flower CIP sanitation

Delivery of a system for optimizing the production of milk powder using a NIR analyzer for Hlinsko Dairy
The drying optimization project was implemented with the aim of reducing the energy consumption of the drying process of the milk and improving the quality of the final product regarding the accuracy of the required product parameters, which was achieved during real operating conditions.

Delivery of hybrid WSP H-500 plasma torch to Japan
As part of our long-term cooperation with the Institute of Plasma Physics, we delivered a new hybrid WSP H-500 plasma torch with a patented burner system to a customer in Japan.

ING - management of the WHT (William Hershel Telescope) - La Palma
Telescope control, with a mirror diameter of 4.2 m. It is currently the second-largest telescope in Europe. The project aimed to replace the telescope's outdated control system, primarily the control of the many motors that control all of the telescope's movement. In addition to switchboards, cabling, software, and the project, the delivery also included a very complicated adjustment of the motor controls with regard to the high requirements for the telescope's accuracy.

Delivery of our own 5 t/h malt crushers for Banska Bystrica brewery and 10 t/h for Staropramen - Ostravar brewery
ProjectSoft HK a.s. supplied and successfully put into operation new cylindrical malt shredders for dry shredding of its own design for breweries.
2015 - 2021

Delivery of 50 tanks with volumes of 1000 and 3000 hl for Budějovický Budvar, n.p.
As a general contractor, we delivered and commissioned in three stages of expansion of the brewery, tanks for a significant expansion of the brewery's production capacity.
Control system for new brewery in Ethiopia
ProjectSoft HK a.s. supplied and commissioned a complete electrical part and process control of a brewery with production of 600,000 hl/year in Meychew, Ethiopia

Launching of the company's fully robotic observatory

Construction of safe bottling of railway tanks and car chemical tanks for Draslovka Kolín
As a general contractor, we implemented technologies for bottling railway and car tanks, including the complete supply of building modifications, supply, and installation of technological equipment, up to the supply of electricity and process control of the entire new technology.

Reduction of emissions from drying plants of beet cuttings - Tereos TTD, a.s., Cukrovar Dobrovice
General contractor of machine technology for the reduction of emissions of solid pollutants from two driers of leached beet cuttings. The new technology contributes to a significant improvement of the environment in the Dobrovice region.

ESO (European Southern Observatory)
Commissioning of the complete robotization of the Danish 1.54m telescope at the La Silla observatory in Chile, which is controlled from Europe without the need for local operators.

ESO (European Southern Observatory)
Publication of the first Czech photograph of the Milky Way by Zdeňk Bardon on ESO website.
PRIMA family television
Ing. Jan Pruška represents our company in the program Paths to Success.

Brewery intensification - Pivovar Svijany, a.s.
Reconstruction and expansion of the brewhouse with several cooking vessels. In automatic mode, the brewing set can brew a record 12 batches / 24 hours. The team of specialists made use of years of experience from previous brewing projects.

Laser Terminal Control - ESA (European Space Agency)
Control and robotization of an automatic laser station for data transmission from satellites in Earth orbit.

We won 1st place in the Vodafone „Company of the Year 2011“ competition in the Hradec Králové region
Hospodářské noviny prize.

Single-stage evaporator for thickening thin black caustic - OP paper plant, Olšany
We found an unusual solution, we mechanically designed and supplied a steam evaporator with recompression of a part of the steam vapor for thickening thin black caustic with a high content of chlorides. The correctness of the solution was confirmed by a successful post-warranty inspection of the evaporator.

Robotization of the 1m telescope on the OGS observatory in Tenerife - ESA (European Space Agency)
Complete automation of a scientific telescope for laser communication with satellites in Earth orbit.

Automatic milk pasteurization system for a temperature of 125°C – Levice dairy
General supplier of machinery and automation parts of the new paster, incl. application of our own technological know-how. The new technology works under extraordinary temperature conditions.

Replacing the cooling medium without interrupting beer production - Brewery Steiger
In an international tender, we won a unique contract, demanding the quality of the technical work and the organization of the entire project.

General supplier of the automated cane sugar refining control system – Sugar factory Brčko, Bosnia

Complete automation of the largest Czech telescope - AsÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., Ondřejov observatory
This application meant the utilization of our experience in industrial automation and the beginning of astronomical projects in the company.

Technology for cooling of two ice rinks - Hradec Králové Winter Stadium
We managed to meet the above-standard requirements of the customer and effectively cool two halls from one place at the same time while minimizing operating costs.

General designer of the distillery - Tereos TTD, a.s., Sugar factory Dobrovice, Bioetanol TTD
We became the general designer for the French company Tereos TTD, a.s. Together, we managed to build a production plant producing bioethanol from sugar intermediate products. So far the only one in the Czech Republic.
Development and supply of machinery for automated weighing and mixing plant of PUR foams, including unique control - BAY System a.s.

The commencement of close cooperation with the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. Prague
Subsequent application of a control system for a plasma torch cooling system - Tokyo, Japan

Construction and production of a machine for packing blocks of butter - Dairy Hlinsko
Historically the first industrial machine produced by our company. This prototype became the basis for the development and production of universal packaging machines, packing blocks of butter from 5 to 25 kg.

Machine-technological reconstruction of brew houses, including full automation - Budějovický Budvar, n.p.
Our company's first comprehensive delivery to the brewing industry. Until now, a unique installation of a unique closed lautering system over an original open wort grant. Still valid, Budvar is always and everywhere the original.

Remote Service of Brewery Control System Remote Service - Melbourne, Australia
The experience we gained in the remote management of this brewery's software was used many years later to remotely control the Danish 1.54m telescope at the ESO La Silla Observatory in Chile.

Ing. Tomáš Turek presented the first company SCADA system TomPack
Automatic sugar cooking - Cukrovar Uničov
Introducing a truly unique fully automated software for evaporating crystallization of sugar. This successful application was created thanks to the cooperation with doc. Ing. Miloš Kmínek CSc. and Ing. Jan Michal CSc. from VŠCHT Prague and is still used in most Czech sugar factories these days.

The first computer-controlled control room of a raw material plant – Sugar Factory Smiřice
Even before the establishment of the company, a computer-controlled central control room for controlling beet intake, diffusion, purification line, filtration incl. evaporation station was introduced. It was a very rare thing at that time. The computers TNS SC from Slušovice were used. The photo of the control room together with the project manager, Zdenek Bardon, was printed on the front page of „Cukrovarnické listy“ magazine.